Satislent Sport

This is food for a very active person who wants to improve their athletic performance. Unlike regular Satislent food mixes, the Sport version contains more protein, iron, and phosphorus.

Satislent Sport can supplement your diet with the necessary nutrients to allow you to continue energetically on your adventurous day. Save time and recharge your energy!

Satislent mix for cocktails contains the substances your body needs to stay energetic, namely: carbohydrates, fiber, protein, fat, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals!

A cocktail can save you a lot of time and recharge and maintain your energy resources throughout the day.

You have 2 flavor choices: 

Vanilla - for lovers of classic vanilla taste 

Chocolate - if you like to sweeten the day a bit, this taste is just for you!

"Latte" - a light and mild Latte coffee flavor cocktail - the perfect food for the morning!

"Coconut" - a choice for those looking for a more distinctive coconut flavor.

* Remember that Satislent mix for food cocktails is non-perishable, so it does not need to be stored in the refrigerator - but we recommend consuming the cocktail immediately or within a few hours.

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Satislent Sport
Satislent Sport
Satislent Sport
Satislent Sport

Various flavors of Satislent Sport mix for food cocktails, one package contains 1200 g.

More iron and protein! And for those who buy more - discounts!

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  • 250 char. max
I don't need dosing scoop eco label

1 bag = 10 meals

Price per meal: 2.55 €

Tax included
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Complete, for real

Every serving provides a balanced intake of all the recommended nutrients.


Virgin olive oil

We picked best fats source in Spain

500 kcal in each portion

Constant energy source for entire day

26 vitamins and minerals

A, C, D, B6, B12, iron, calcium, potassium and much more...

Omega 3, 6 & 9

Source of main aminoacids

7 different flavors

For each taste and version with no flavor

100% Vegan

Plant based ingredients, no GMO

Reviews (8)


Geg 25, 2023
Gana sotus
Labiausiai patinka tai, kad kokteilis tikrai suteikia sotumo jausmą, sportuojant išnaudoju daug kalorijų, tai čia ir lengva pasiskaičiuoti ir greitai galiu susiplakti ir pavalgyti. Rekomenduoju aktyvią veiklą užsiimantiems žmonėms!

Lap 8, 2022
Sportuojant šis kokteilis man padeda gauti visas reikiamas medžiagas, plius jaučiuosi energingas ir sotus, tai po treniruotės iš karto pavalgau ir nereikia sukti galvos.
N Dalius

Bal 28, 2022
"Satislent sport" naudoju reguliariai - puikiai tinka papildyti būtiną dienos kalorijų normą sportuojant, kartu stipriai neapkraunant virškinimo ir taupant laiką. Skirtingai nei keli kiti bandyti kokteiliai - daug lengviau išsimaišo, neprilimpa prie indo ir yra puikaus skonio :-) Šokolado skonio kokteilis dar geriau maišosi ir lengviau geriasi.

Kov 22, 2021
Greitas ir patogus sprendimas
Esu sugėręs kelias pakuotes. Skonis tikrai geras, o ir sotus kokteilis gaunas. 4,5 kaušų tikrai nereikia, kaip rekomenduoja. 2 kaušų pilnai užtekdavo pasisotint. Sugrįžau vėl užsipirkti!
Inga Z

Lie 29, 2020
Sport vanilė
Visgi vanilinis sport yra geriausias, isbandziau ir sokoladini.
Page: 12

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